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The Keris history - the result of art and culture from the Nation of Indonesia


Museum functions including collecting, treating and expose the evidence of cultural and natural relics in order to promote sustainable and beneficial to human civilization.

Keris Name as a result of cultural nation that typical, and also appear enriched museums as a collection of objects.

Keris, also often called duwung, suspicious or tosan charm. Keris function changes, as a weapon and then have become sacred objects, inheritance, which glorified, the symbol of family ties, service marks, badge or department, then as the last item of art and souvenirs.

Each region has figured a special kris. For example, Java with the size of the keris are short and round; Keris Bali with ornaments and gay stranglehold gems from the human form; Keris Madura with pendok berhiaskan mask; kris Sumatra with the handle of a bird-shaped; Keris with the grip shaped Sulawesi sea birds and at the end gandarnya there is a connection.

Regional distribution of the keris mesh with the existenceof kingdoms in the past, especially in the kingdoms of Java. This can be dititi from history, horoscope, and the book of genealogy as follows. Master perekayasa kris as a specialist, has a history past. Master of life in most any environment and the palace under the supervision of the palace, thus making the keris as a cultural palace said.

Keris can be classified in accordance with the produce, such as the following:

1. Period purwacarita
At this time, other than Mpu Gandring great Singasari in history, also appear Mpu Ramayadi that make kris Pasepati.

2. Period Pajajaran
According to history, this is the beginning of the light. At th
is time there is the famous master Mpu Keleng that make kris Kyai teat.

3. Indonesian
In the chronicle referred to as Donegal, which produces kris kitchen and straight into the grip of the wilahan. Master of the famous at the time this is Mpu Ki Supa Mandrangi (Prince to me).

4. The period of Demak
This is the development of Islam in Java, so many kris ordered
by the guardian. Master of the time this is the descendants of the Majapahit. For example Mpu Ki sKROP Growah son Prince to me, that became the ancestor master-master in the Islamic kingdom next. Him brother, namely Ki jaka Supa become master appointed by the palace Demak Sunan Kalijaga, to be fortunate to make weapons as the strength of the country, which is then given the name of the keris interpersonal Belt.

5. Period Pajang
Period end of the period Demak is not showing the influence of the Majapahit. The famous master at this time, namely Mpu Ki Umyang that make kris Kanjeng Kyai Pandetan.

6. The period of Mataram
The definition of this period is the period before the agreement was held Giyanti (1755). Because of the agricultural kingdom of Mataram, namely that is not open to outside influences, the trust of the keris is very large and the history of the keris is more developed. The famous master at this time is that Kyai Anom make kris Pulanggeni and Nagasasra.

7. The period of Yogyakarta and Surakarta
Although the arts and the procedure is different from the second kingdom, but will have the color and beauty to the interests of the keris virtually the same. There is a master of the famous Palace of Surakarta, namely Ki sKROP Sukatga that make kris Kanjeng Kyai Elephant Satrubanda.

8. Period and the National Independence Movement
This is making the keris pamornya begin to decline. Although there but not on the magic, just merely complementary fashion or only as a souvenir.

Now, the keris is also often used in a traditional cultural event. Or other events in Indonesia

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