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Indonesian Batik Fabric


Batik has been both an art and a craft for centuries. In Java, Indonesia, batik is part of an ancient tradition, and some of the finest batik cloth in the world is still made there.

Contemporary batik, while owing much to the past, is markedly different from the more traditional and formal styles. For example, the artist may use etching, discharge dyeing, stencils, different tools for waxing and dyeing, wax recipes with different resist values and work with silk, cotton, wool, leather, paper or even wood and ceramics.

Batik is historically the most expressive and subtle of the resist methods. The ever widening range of techniques available offers the artist the opportunity to explore a unique process in a flexible and exciting way..


Martijn said...


You are making use of (a derivative of) one of my images (originally uploaded by me to http://commons.wikimedia.org under the file name Batik_Indonesia.jpg).

This image may be used by you but only when you comply to the CC-BY-SA-2.5-nl license (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/nl/deed.en_GB). This means you have to attribute the maker of the image and provide a link to the license.

Thank you,

(see http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Martijn)

Martijn said...


Please take action as per my prior comment or I will make a formal complaint (as stated in http://www.google.com/blogger_dmca.html).


(Kalau Anda kurang mengerti yang di atas, tolong kasih tahu supaya saya bisa coba terangkan masalahnya di dalam Bahasa Indonesia).